Required 8th Grade Classes - English

English 8
In 8th grade, students continue to build upon skills previously learned in earlier grades. Throughout the year, students will be given instruction, practice, and assessments to help them achieve these standards.
Course content is presented through Concept-based units. During each 4-8 week unit student reading, writing, and communication tasks will align to a core concept. Students typically participate in at least one project-based learning activity each year.
Throughout the year, 8th grade English students will select books of their choice to read independently in class and as homework. Students will also read assigned short stories, non-fiction articles, poetry, dramas, and novels. Some will be read through the textbook, HMH into Literature, and some will be teacher or student selected. Students will also complete projects, tests, and writings to convey what they have read and learned.
Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit while writing in a variety of forms, genres, and levels of formality with an emphasis on expository and persuasive writing. Students will compose a thesis statement and defend a position with reasons and evidence. Students will periodically complete formal assignments that will be assessed using a standard rubric. Students may also maintain a portfolio of assignments that may be assessed throughout the school year.
There is a continued emphasis on reading comprehension by comparing fiction and nonfiction texts. In fiction texts, students will explain the development of theme(s) and compare/contrast authors’ styles. In eighth grade, there will be an increased emphasis on nonfiction reading, and students will analyze authors’ qualifications, point-of-view, and style.
Students will learn punctuation, sentence formation, spelling, and writing conventions. Both student-created writing and multiple choice formats will be used to assess grammar skills.
Students will study vocabulary words from class texts as well as independent reading. In addition, students will learn essential vocabulary skills such as using context clues, analyzing Greek and Latin roots, determining connotation, and analyzing figurative language. Vocabulary will be assessed through student writing and quizzes.
Students will apply research techniques to analyze information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions and possible bias. Students will also cite primary and secondary sources using MLA style. As in earlier grades, the meaning and consequences of plagiarism will be stressed.
Communication and Multimodal Literacies
Students will evaluate, analyze, develop, and produce media messages. Students will create multimodal presentations that include different points-of-view and will collaborate with others to exchange ideas, make decisions, and solve problems.