New Student Registration

Welcome to Thoreau Middle School!

We're excited to welcome our newest Golden Eagles!

We are a school in Fairfax County, Virginia

New students fall into one of two registration categories:

  • Students who are new to Thoreau Middle School and are not currently enrolled in another school in FCPS.
  • Students who are new to Thoreau Middle School and who are currently enrolled in FCPS, but did not most recently attend elementary school at Louise Archer ES, Cunningham Park ES, Flint Hill ES, Marshall Road ES, Mosby Woods ES, Oakton ES, Stenwood ES, or Vienna ES as a 6th-grader. If the student attended an elementary school at one of these schools, there is nothing that needs to be completed. The student records will be automatically transferred to Thoreau Middle School.

To join Thoreau Middle School, determine if your student lives in our boundary by viewing the FCPS boundary locator

Enrolling parent, if your student does live in the Thoreau MS boundary and does meet one of the two categories above, please fill out the new student registration intake form below. This form will be submitted to Karla Macoto, our school registrar, who will be able to assist you with the new student registration process. 

Please submit this new student registration intake form in English.

Please enter the day, month, and year the student was born. For example - January 12, 2002
Student Home Street Address
Is This the Student's First Year in FCPS?
Note: Submitting this intake form does not register the student. Submitting this form begins the new student registration process with the school. Our school registrar will contact you with the next steps to get your new student enrolled quickly and efficiently.

Online Student Registration


New Student Registration Forms

Visit the FCPS registration page to learn more.

Additional Resources

Registering a Student Whose Home Language Is Other Than or In Addition to English

Student families wishing to register a student with a home language other than or in addition to English should please contact the FCPS Student Registration Welcome Center. Here professionals may assess your student's English language skill and/or educational level. These assessments can provide valuable information to the local school and support your child's instructional needs.  

Special Registration Situations

Special registration situations can include nonparent registrations, situations involving divorced or separated parents, homelessness, foster care, and foreign exchange students.

Military Family Registration

FCPS welcomes responsive and collaborative communication and partnerships with the parents and families of our students.