Required 8th Grade Classes - Science

Science 8
All Students at Thoreau Middle School are enrolled in Science 8 Honors. In 8th grade, students explore the concepts of matter, energy, and motion through a sequence of hands-on, inquiry based labs. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of these concepts while incorporating Portrait of a Graduate skills to understand the world around us.
Our three units of study are:
Energy| Matter | Waves
In our engaging 8th-grade Physical Science class, students explore the foundational principles of physics and chemistry through hands-on activities and labs, project-based learning, and collaborative problem-solving. From designing roller coasters to understanding motors, generators, and the periodic table, students connect scientific concepts to real-world applications. Our lessons emphasize inquiry and the 5E instructional method to foster critical thinking, creativity, and resilience.
To augment the inquiry and project-based investigations, computer technologies and interactive media such as Gizmos and PHET, are used to create a student-centered experience. Science and engineering practices are integrated throughout the course as students carry out investigations, collect and analyze data, and formulate evidence-based conclusions.
At the end of the year, students will take the Virginia Standards of Learning Test that covers content from grades 6, 7, and 8. Opportunities to revisit and review concepts taught in grades 6 and 7 will occur throughout the year.
We are proud to cultivate curious, goal-directed learners who reflect on their experiences and growth!
FCPS Middle School Science Site
FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Site