7th/8th Grade Electives - Fine Arts : Visual Arts

Art Foundations

Explore a variety of art materials, develop art techniques, and use creative thinking skills to express ideas and viewpoints about personal experiences and the world through the Big Idea of Transformation.  Produce meaningful and unique drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics, and crafts in a studio setting.  Study artists and their works to gain understanding of the artistic process and make connections with FCPS Portrait of a Graduate.  Make interdisciplinary connections based on the Virginia Standards of Learning for all disciplines.

Click here for the full description of the course

 3D Art

Students learn basic techniques and develop skills to become proficient in the technical aspects of three-dimensional design, with an emphasis on ceramics and sculpture.  The study of a brief chronological history of sculptural developments with new directions in three-dimensional materials and architectural forms are included to provide a broad overview of this technical and artistic field.  Students will learn about and work with a wide variety of materials and techniques, emphasizing design skills and quality craftsmanship.  Make interdisciplinary connections based on the Virginia Standards of Learning for all disciplines.

Click here for the full description of the course

Computers in Art provides opportunities to integrate digital technology with traditional art media and practices to create original artwork related to the theme of roles. Work with a variety of software applications, tools, and equipment to create digital images, interactive art, animations, and games. Use problem solving skills to develop personal style, interpret concepts, and explore ethical issues concerning computer generated imagery. Investigate current artists and trends in technological advancements to examine how art is evolving and develop new solutions to artmaking challenges. Prior computer experience is not required.

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Art Extensions

Explore a variety of art materials, develop art techniques, and use creative thinking skills to express ideas and viewpoints about personal experiences and the world through the Big Idea of Relationships.  Produce meaningful and unique drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics, and crafts in a studio setting.  Study artists and their works to gain understanding of the artistic process and make connections with FCPS Portrait of a Graduate.  Make interdisciplinary connections based on the Virginia Standards of Learning for all disciplines.

Click here for the full description of the course

Computers in Art

Computers in Art provides opportunities to integrate digital technology with traditional art media and practices to create original artwork related to the theme of roles. Work with a variety of software applications, tools, and equipment to create digital images, interactive art, animations, and games. Use problem solving skills to develop personal style, interpret concepts, and explore ethical issues concerning computer generated imagery. Investigate current artists and trends in technological advancements to examine how art is evolving and develop new solutions to artmaking challenges. Prior computer experience is not required.

Click here for the full description of the course