I. Thoreau Honor Code

We are committed to the five tenets of Excellence in Action at Thoreau Middle School: achievement, responsibility, respect, leadership, and integrity. We believe that these five values, plus the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity, are necessary in order to foster good citizenship. To nurture these qualities, we expect students to take pride in their individual accomplishments and show respect for the rights of others.

II. Honor Pledge:

As a Thoreau student, I have given my best individual effort and all of the work presented was my own and done with honor.

III. Definitions

Honor/Integrity - doing what is right, honest, and fair

Cheating -

•Copying someone else’s work

• Allowing someone else to copy your work

• Using notes or information (written or electronic) during a test

• Giving or receiving information during a test

• Sharing information from a previously taken test

• Accessing any unauthorized information (written or electronic) for assessments, assignments, and projects

 Plagiarizing -

• Presenting someone else’s work (written or electronic) as your own without proper citation
• Copying word for word, without proper quotations and citations
• Failing to use proper documentation and a works cited
• Having anyone/anything else do an assignment that you submit as your own

Lying - making an untrue statement with intent to deceive, creating false or misleading impressions, or intentionally omitting information with the intent to mislead

Stealing - taking or appropriating information or ideas without the right or permission to do so with the intent to present them as your own

IV. Consequences/Restoration

First Offense - 53% placeholder with opportunity to retake, possibly after school, to earn a new grade (if assignment/assessment is eligible for retake), parent notification, letter of explanation/reflection, conference with teacher & counselor, potential administrative involvement (circumstantial)

Second Offense - 53% with the expectation to redo to show mastery without the opportunity to improve the grade, parent notification, letter of explanation/reflection, conference with teacher & counselor, referral to assistant principal with possibility of further consequences such as after school detention or in-school suspension and documentation in the Student Information System (circumstantial)

Third or more Offense - 53% with the expectation to redo to show mastery without the opportunity to improve the grade, parent notification, letter of explanation/reflection, conference with teacher & counselor, referral to assistant principal with possibility of further consequences, including out of school suspension and documentation on Student Information System to be forwarded to future schools (circumstantial)


August 2019